How Is Prom Queen Chosen? 10 Steps to Help You Win
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It is inarguable that no other title is as dazzling as prom queen for those attending high school. In addition to being a highly coveted title, the contenders are always waiting in the hopes of finally wearing the tiara, which is only awarded to the winner. However, the competition is usually fierce and thus requires one to put enough effort into the campaigns. Fortunately, with adequate determination, the title and all the glamor that comes with it can be all yours. But how do you sign up? You may ask. Read along to understand the whole prom event and how the prom queen is chosen.
1. Becoming a contender
Any prom queen can testify to the power of votes in the contest. Therefore, the first step to becoming a likely candidate is to befriend as many people as you can. It goes without saying that no one will vote for you if they don’t know you or even like you in the months (years perhaps before Prom, try to interact and get along with your classmates). Note that interacting with the cool kids will help you with nothing. This is likely because, regardless of one’s status in the school, you only receive a single vote from each person. You can become the prom queen by being part of the prom court. You have to be elected by the school to become a prom court member, although the selections vary with different schools. Upon qualifying into the prom court, you will be expected to partake and qualify in another round of elections. This election is what determines the winner of the prom queen title.
While getting to be known by your schoolmates is crucial to attaining the prom queen status, it is even more important that they like you. And all you require to get them like you is to be genuine. Invest your time in and let them see how great you are. Most importantly, do not try to fake the love. This is because the relationships created are likely to last longer than being the Prom queen will.
Secondly, since prom queen is more of a popularity contest, getting involved in various school activities could increase the chances of getting chosen. Meet people with whom you share a common interest and show the school that you are highly talented in addition to being an all-around student. Similarly, it is typical for staff at various schools to influence the list that makes it to the final nominations. Don’t be shocked; rigging can also take place in prom. AS a result, your chances of getting through the red tape depends on how much they believe in you.
2. Getting your name out there
Since being a good role model is part of the requirements to bag the much-coveted title, most schools will require that you have good grades. And to be the perfect model student, ensure that you are active in school activities. You can do this by joining the environmental club or even a Christian union. By doing so, you would be able to make others emulate you, something needed in order to become prom queen. In addition to increasing your popularity, it will also enable you to build a reputation as someone who is natural for the queen title. After all, being the prom queen is all about leading the people correctly. Thus, to enable the school to be more inclined to vote for you, you must demonstrate how much of a good leader you are.
Also, ensure that you stay away from trouble as much as you can. Getting into trouble of any kind is the last thing you would wish for before Prom comes to be. The odds are very high that if you get suspended for any reason whatsoever (be it because of bad behavior or poor grades), you will lose your position on the ballot. This rule applies unconditionally even if you were thought to be the likely winner. Ensure that you are on your best behavior since a true prom queen would avoid trouble at all costs. Do not jinx yourself.
Also, by skipping trouble, you will have everyone as your bread and butter. This includes having the teachers on your side.
3. Accepting the challenge
We have already mentioned the possibility of the staff having a say in who qualifies onto the court. Well, ensure you are on the prom committee since they have influence over their voters. The prom committee reserves the responsibility of reminding the student how to vote and the person to vote for. By emphasizing the qualities that you possess, you will have seamlessly reminded the people how good you are for the job. Additionally, it will show to the public how much the whole contest means to you. If the amount of effort you invest in is worthwhile and evident to the voters, you are assured to reign. Don’t forget that, since humans are emotional beings, they can be moved to cast their vote for you.
Typically, to find yourself in the race for prom queen, you have to be nominated by the first person who should be seconded by someone else in the motion. This means that you need at least two people who hold you in high accordance such that they can comfortably go out of their way to ensure that you are on the list. You can ask your best friends to do this for you and ensure to show how much you appreciate them for all that they will have done. If you are sure of someone who you can count on, make use of them and ensure to repay the favor later on. There will also be instances where you will be required to trade one nomination for another. Consider this a fair move that can encourage healthy competition to make the whole thing fun and perhaps more engaging.
4. Campaigning mode

Campaigning is a big discerning factor when it comes to choosing the prom queen. This is true, especially in big schools with a large student population. Just the way marketing is to businesses, the same is true for campaigning in Prom such that if no one knows or hears anything about you, then you are assured of losing the race. Thus, do whatever it takes to raise your awareness. You can campaign by use of word of mouth, place posters in the hallways, or try getting your voice over the PA. Your people need to recognize you to increase your likelihood of being set up for the pro branding.
However, ensure that the school permits whichever method of campaign you use. This is because although it may seem harsh, some schools have strict policies that limit the kind of posters you use and where they can be put up or where you are allowed to solicit the students. Since it is easy to know who your supporters are, you should ensure that you get the word out everywhere, even to those who don’t show their support for you. Let your name and perhaps slogan infiltrate even the deepest dungeons in the school. You could seek support from members of the go-green club or talk to someone who distributes cupcakes to the football team. You can also have t-shirts with your name printed on or distribute bracelets showcasing your slogans.
5. Be prom queen worthy
The way you carry yourself around your peers can also impact the outcome of the prom event heavily. Since people can picture what a prom queen should look like, ensure that you dress the part and showcase the elegance within you. Here are some ideas on how to be her:
Besides showering daily, you also have to find yourself a signature scent worth a prom queen to wear every day.
Have your most fashionable outfits pieced carefully together and put-on make-up that only compliments your look rather than one which alters it.
Maintain clean and sophisticated hair. There are no limitations as to which hairstyle you should wear provided you look good on it. However, this rule applies only if the hair is clean and held together.
6. Preparing for the big day
There is no doubt that every girl wants to be magnificent at the ball. After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event! However, to ensure that you stand out at the 2020 dance party, it will take more effort than preparing to attend the party. You must wear a ball gown to make you different without making you look weird, sluggish, or difficult to try. There is no doubt that every girl wants to be magnificent at the ball. However, to ensure that you stand out at the 2020 dance party, it will take more effort than preparing to attend the party. You must wear a ball gown to make you different without making you look weird, sluggish, or difficult to try.
Without the perfect ball gown, the prom queen will accomplish nothing. Ideally, it is very useful for your figure and skin tone, and no one wears it. It doesn’t have to be expensive; it has to be perfect for you.
Consider getting the pop-up color. Knowing that all eyes are on you, you will feel like a ball of beauty.
Get a cut that fits your shape. Take any body part you worry about and make it useful for you, not against you.
Get a dress that matches your personality. Who said you couldn’t be a life-and-death stakeholder in a prom?
Make your hair and make-up just right. You will take more photos tonight than on other nights of this school year. So make your hair and make-up a perfect presentation of upcoming memories.
As for your make-up, there is no shame in doing it yourself. You may know that you look better than strangers. It looks darker than usual. Smokey lips and light lips are very suitable for Prom.
7. The prom night
This is the night you have been waiting for. Don’t spend a lot of time in advance, but keep peeing and focus on the day since it is one of the most exciting nights of the year. You will have a great time, and you will know. All your friends, food and music; what do you dislike?
If you win the championship, remember that you are the prom queen; the prom queen is kind, friendly, and humble. Show everyone your appreciation for their vote and that it means a lot to you and the world. Let them know that they voted for the right person. Also, remember to thank those you know. They will know that you made the right decision based on your kindness and sincerity.
Whether you win or lose, be kind. No matter what happens, you should keep smiling no matter whether you win or lose. After all, this is your dance party! There, it’s fun to dress up and dance with friends. Whether the title is your name or not, you will remember this day, and you will remember that it was a beautiful and vacillating time. Typical dresses worn during the Prom include halter and long strapless dresses. Red ball gowns and blackball gowns will be everywhere. Forget about tradition and find a unique ball gown-one that will rank top on the red carpet. Try something like an elegant backless neckline or a long-sleeved but simple dress, such as lilac, blush, lavender, emerald, turquoise or blue-green.
With the tested styling tips above, you are assured to upstage all your other competitors in the event. A little attention, which you deserve, of course, cannot harm. Thus, you may not want to blend in with others who all look alike in the room.
8. The royal advisory committee

Coronating the Prom Queen is undoubtedly the most exciting and the most awaited moment in the prom event. Like all other royal coronation moments, it requires proper planning. Below are some of the steps followed for a more regal prom coronation.
Similar to how kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses need their advisors, you also require a group of people to oversee the prom coronation plan. Designate some friends, teachers, students, or other volunteers as a coronation subcommittee to handle all that for you. Since this task is weighty, it requires serious people with a sense of responsibility. The Prom advisory committee is tasked to sit down and come up with a draft of a plan for important nominations. This includes designating the date, the location, and how the actual nominations should take place. The Prom committee is also responsible for advertising the day when the nominations are supposed to take place. This includes creating fliers and displaying them all over the school to garner more nominations as possible.
Upon the completion of the nomination exercise, your advisors are supposed to tally your total nominations. You should then select as many or as few nominations as you can to accommodate the school’s court. You are then expected to give out the PA announcement, which is like the royal decree, to your student body, and name the official nominees. Ensure that the decree is interesting and fun to generate interest, capture voters’ attention, and ensure that the voting exercise seamlessly takes place.
9. Prom treasury and accessories
The body in charge should study the prom coronation budget to understand the types of coronation accessories required. Consider ordering everything without forgetting crowns and Tiaras, the real masterpiece. Since these are given to the whole exercise winners, ensure that they are a one-size-fits-all piece since you don’t want to cause any embarrassments.
Lastly, your student body should be given a chance to speak out their voices. Simply put, let the student body vote for the Prom Queen and King. Do not forget to set up voting booths and camps next to your Prom ticket booths to ensure that the students purchase the tickets soon after casting their votes.
10. The coronation
Upon completing tallying of the votes, it is high time that you start planning the Prom coronation ceremony. Ensure to pay keen attention to each and every royal detail of the ceremony, including the time, speeches, and of course, the presentation of the tiaras and crowns, among other accessories.
Being the Prom queen involves winning the election that is announced on the prom night. The winner is expected, upon being announced, to walk towards the stage and receive the crown alongside the king. After receiving the award, you are then expected to give a short speech. While it depends on your preferences, you can choose to keep it short and simple or take the opportunity to spread a message for your graduation that may be around the corner.
Although this piece is a bit lengthy, choosing the prom queen isn’t a difficult task. Also, since the competitions are expected to be high, the winner will be one who truly deserves the crown. If you think that you are fit for the Prom contest, why not give it a try. Good luck with that.